School is Back in Session

by | Aug 10, 2021

Summer has officially ended, and our children are returning to school! This past year has proven to be unlike any other. We are still amid the Coronavirus pandemic, and with the new Delta variant reportedly picking up steam in terms of infections, there is plenty of anxiety to go around. Therefore, we are grateful for the safety protocols that the school districts have implemented to protect our children and school staff. 

I for one am grateful that our children can go back to in-person school to see, interact, and learn with their classmates.  The social emotional intelligence of our children is just as important as their academic intelligence and must be cultivated.  Here is a quote from a fellow parent by the name of Natasha Howard on the subject – ” After over a year of experiencing the uncertainty of a pandemic, although unfortunate for us, created an opportunity for me as a working mom to experience my children firsthand. No crazy schedules, sports, extra-curricular activities etc. For once I was able to experience being home full time with my children. The lessons I’ve learned over the past year and how impactful and necessary social interactions with peers are for a healthy social and emotional development… I’m excited to safely continue this journey along with many other resilient families.”

It is important for us to realize that our students, teachers, administrators, and parents need our support. After a year of virtual learning the school doors have opened, and our campuses are being flooded with students once again. One may think this should come second nature to all parties involved, but we have never been here before.

Many of our students have struggled virtually, and many will struggle with a transition to move to an on-campus approach.  Support is needed here, because we can’t assume that every child has a support system within the home. Furthermore, we can’t assume that every child has a home life that’s conducive to learning academically. So, when I say “support”, I am talking about community.  Now more than ever our children will need a “village”. Community on campus, after school, and so on. This is absolutely the perfect time to get involved with mentorship programs, tutoring opportunities, as well as lending an ear and/or hand to an overly stretched parent. We cannot reasonably expect our teachers to carry the entire burden during this  season.

Our teachers and school administrators need support as well but in the terms of patience . We know going into the school year that there will be plenty of challenges that arise. So, let’s do our best to be of assistance any way we can.  Our children need the help of their support systems; let’s show them and each other what community is all about.  This will be another year for the record books, but I truly believe it will be a successful one. However, for success to be realized, it will take teamwork.  Let’s be a part of the solution.